fbpx Allyson | No Evil Project: Atletico, Hermana & Cantante stereotypes redefined
No Evil Project - Show that people aren't defined by their labels.


Upton, MA
United States
Dinos Sobre Tu Buena Acción: 

One of my friends was devastated by the loss of her uncle. Our other friends didn't know how to react to it and didn't want to upset her further, so they pretended like nothing had ever happened. The other night, I was sitting with my friend and casually asked her how close she was to her uncle. She immediately started crying and told me everything on her mind. She thanked me for being the first person there for her during this difficult time.

Why are you participating?: 

I am participating in the No Evil Project because I want people to see that who I appear to be and who I really am are completely different. On the outside, I sometimes appear to be cold, mean, and tough. I have a habit of pretending that everything in my life is fine, and I put on a smile all the time. However, on the inside, I am so caring and long to give and receive love and approval from others. I have experienced the unbearable pain of a broken family, the death of a loved one, and the fight against myself. I want everyone to know that on the days that I look the most confident and put together, I am most likely in need of some support deep down.

Allyson: Atletico, Hermana, Cantante - One of my friends was devastated by the loss of her uncle. Our other friends didn't know how to react to it and didn't want to upset her further, so they pretended like nothing had ever...
Exhibit Location: Banner 23

Why Participate