fbpx Ariana | No Evil Project: Activista, Autista & Nerdo stereotypes redefined
No Evil Project - Show that people aren't defined by their labels.


Westford, MA
Estados Unidos
Dinos Sobre Tu Buena Acción: 

I helped a blind woman around the train station; she was struggling to get to the cafe, and I went up to her and asked if she would like some assistance. I guided her inside the train station, to the cafe and sat her down at a table she wanted to sit at. Along the way, I asked about her and where she was going, and she told me about herself and I made sure she got what she needed.

Why are you participating?: 

I am participating because I think this is a brilliant idea - I love the idea of showing people for who they are, and about how other's judge them. I hope this project spreads and blossoms, and goes national!

Ariana: Activista, Autista, Nerdo - I helped a blind woman around the train station; she was struggling to get to the cafe, and I went up to her and asked if she would like some assistance. I guided her inside the train station, to the...
Exhibit Location: Banner 50

Why Participate