fbpx Cheryl | No Evil Project: Autodidacta, Viuda & Disabilitado stereotypes redefined
No Evil Project - Show that people aren't defined by their labels.


Dinos Sobre Tu Buena Acción: 

I volunteer multiple times a year as a blood drive recruiter for the Heinlein Society. We participate with multiple hospitals in the metro Boston area, collecting donations from Science Fiction, Fantasy and Steampunk fans alike.

Why are you participating?: 

When people hear the terms "widow" or "disabled" they think "Oh, what a shame." I've never considered either status a reason to be pitied. These are things that have happened to me but do not define who I am. I am a volunteer, Sci-Fi fan, trivia lover, bargain hunter, improv player, maker, fixer, beach bum, raconteur, helper, and knowledge seeker. I am resilient.

Cheryl: Autodidacta, Viuda, Disabilitado - I volunteer multiple times a year as a blood drive recruiter for the Heinlein Society. We participate with multiple hospitals in the metro Boston area, collecting donations from Science Fiction,...

Why Participate