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No Evil Project - Show that people aren't defined by their labels.

Amante del arte Stereotypes Redefined

Displaying 181 - 189 of 189


Worcester, MA
United States
Dinos Sobre Tu Buena Acción: 
My school had a craftathon, and a boy in my class had a giant paper star that my class made and it got smushed, and he started crying, so I gave him mine.
Why are you participating?: 

Because my brother and dad did it and they recommended it and it sounds fun

Mei Lee

Dinos Sobre Tu Buena Acción: 
Last year I participated in Relay for Life. One of my best experiences thus far and I plan on participating again this year.
Why are you participating?: 

Judging and labels. Why are people so quick to form negative opinions of each other?! I'm guilty of worrying what others think of me. This is a way to breakaway from those constraints. I'm me with no apologies or regrets. :D


Bridgeport, CT
United States
Dinos Sobre Tu Buena Acción: 
I saved my brother from drowning when we were kids.
Why are you participating?: 

I am participating in the project because labels have negatively affected me and I would like people to know me for who I am as a person rather than just a few groups (ethnic, social, economic) that I am a part of.


United States
Dinos Sobre Tu Buena Acción: 
I volunteer at Audio Journal, work on the annual United Way Campaign through work, and at the Hanover Theatre for the Performing Arts. I donate to various causes that are impacting my own life or the life of those close to me. I feel it's important to give back to one's community which not only helps others, but enriches my own life as well.


Northboro, MA
United States
Dinos Sobre Tu Buena Acción: 
Besides volunteering, I love to share my interests with others....It's great to hear what interests others, share in what is fun in other peoples lives...and share what excites you.
Why are you participating?: 

I am participating because we need to notice others...we are so technology driven, we no longer know about the people around us. Stop, look around at all the beauty and excitment around us !


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