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No Evil Project - Show that people aren't defined by their labels.

Trastorno de ansiedad Stereotypes Redefined

Displaying 11 - 20 of 95


Dinos Sobre Tu Buena Acción: 
I try to make people happy- whether it's my art, writing, or bad puns, I hope to make the people around me happy.
Why are you participating?: 

I find that it's important to let the world know that things are changing.


Worcester, MA
United States
Dinos Sobre Tu Buena Acción: 
I try to create a safe space for anyone that suffers from depression, anxiety and body issues, motivating everyone to push forward and love the skin they are in.
Why are you participating?: 

Labels have affected me in so many ways from being too white to represent my culture (Puerto Rican) to saying I am too fat and ugly to model/ pole, to being told I can't accomplish things because of my diagnosis and because of my trauma.


Medford, MA
Estados Unidos

Before winter break, I was talking with the custodian lady where I worked on campus. She asked me for the dates of the break, because in 2020 university decided to reopen 2 weeks later than usual. Apparently, custodian company outsourced by the university was going to furlough the staff. As a grad student, I was always short of money, so this situation was close to heart. I discussed this finding with the department admin the following week, with no expectations for change. To my surprise, she took the issue up to the department meeting, then university administration and the contractor...more...

I still struggle to be alone at night. My anxiety provokes me to do things to fulfill the emptiness insider.
The isolation has helped me to reimagine myself, my values, wants and needs. I realized I was in a toxic relationship with my husband, whom I left back in my home country. I asked...more...


Spencer, MA
Estados Unidos

Durante la pandemia, me uni como voluntario de Meals on Wheels, llevado alimentos a los envejecientes. Realmente ha expandido como disfruto conectarme y poder ayudar a personas. Interacciones pequenas y sonrisas (hasta algun comentario sarcastico o dos, jaja) arreglan mi dia, y de verdad espero poder hacer lo mismo por otros tambien. Todos tienen derecho a comer. Tratar a las personas con amabilidad es la cosa mas importante que podemos hacer, especialmente durante la pandemia, donde hay tantos pasandola mal.

Recientemente, he aprendido a buscar y apreciar los momentos en los que estoy contenta, en lugar de tratar de alcanzar esa barra invisible para medir la felicidad. Ha pasado tanto que afecta mi salud mental pero si puedo sentirme en paz por un momento -contenta- estoy orgullosa de mi. El sol...more...


Worcester, MA
Estados Unidos

Yo coordine un desayuno de pascua para mi familia, que incluyo mostrarle a mi abuela de 90 años como usar Zoom!

Mascarillas para el rostro son dificiles de usar con espejuelos puestos. Ademas, yo siempre sonrio a las personas, lo cual no puedes hacer con la mascarilla puesta. Un desconocido y yo perfeccionamos el que tal? perfecto, ayer. No damos importancia a lo mucho que significan las expreciones del...more...


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