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No Evil Project - Show that people aren't defined by their labels.

Epileptico Stereotypes Redefined

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Worcester, MA
Estados Unidos

Prefiero mantenerlo privado, pero si quiero animar a todos a tender una mano y ser buenos con otros. Seamos justos y saquemos las ideas preconcebidas de nuestra cabeza... Tengamos pasion por la compasion.

Tengo neuropatia del sistema inmunologico. Cada mes visito el hospital para darme infusiones por 3 dias, y cada mes me preocupa ser expuesta al virus. Usando una mascarilla y manteniendo distanciamiento social me mantiene segura, y a ti tambien. Estamos en esto juntos. Esto no es una violacion a...more...


Worcester, MA
United States
Dinos Sobre Tu Buena Acción: 
A good deed I have done is saving an elderly lady's life by performing the Heimlich maneuver when she was choking, if it was not for me performing that rescue action she would have died so I saved her life.
Why are you participating?: 

My philosophy is to never let people put fear in your mind because when they do you become scared of the world, but when you step outside your own fear you see how beautiful the world is through your own eyes.

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