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No Evil Project - Show that people aren't defined by their labels.

Whoviano Stereotypes Redefined

Displaying 1 - 10 of 14


Berlin, MA
United States
Dinos Sobre Tu Buena Acción: 
Water seedlings for my community's garden team. Help maintain trails through conservation land. Sing in our UU church choir. Make lunch for a friend on Fridays and bring it to her. Facilitate group labyrinth walks as a form of meditation and building safe community.
Why are you participating?: 

I want to help with increasing visibility for this project. So many people are judged for not fitting in or having passions or skills that are not recognized as having value by society. I want to promote acceptance and appreciation for all people and the gifts they offer the world.


Dinos Sobre Tu Buena Acción: 
I have mentored children when I was participating in a leadership program during undergrad.
Why are you participating?: 

I like the message propagated by this project and I like interacting in community outreach activities!


United States
Dinos Sobre Tu Buena Acción: 
I volunteer with my Dad to help veterans. I collect food for the needy. I stand up for others in the face of bullies. I accept that we are all different, and look to see how those differences mesh together to make a better, stronger group.
Why are you participating?: 

I am more than a kid.
I am more than a bookworm, or sports obsessed boy.
I am a leader in the making. I am strong of mind, of will and of spirit. I have Korean blood in me, but also Acadian - so I am by nature a survivor.
I will make a positive impact on this world.


Fitchburg , MA
United States
Dinos Sobre Tu Buena Acción: 
I've done a lot of volunteer work at an animal shelter in my city.
Why are you participating?: 

The concept stuck out to me. Labels can be an evil thing and I like to know that there's something out there that wants to address that.


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Why Participate