fbpx Gregory | No Evil Project: Bicyclist, Anxiety & Brother stereotypes redefined
No Evil Project - Show that people aren't defined by their labels.


Cherry Valley, MA
United States
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My best friend and I were waiting to get into a bar once and a homeless man was walking through the line asking for money. People were pretty rude to him so we got out of the line, started talking to him and learned a little about his life. His name was Pablo and he was from Cuba. For the next two hours, we helped him ask for money on the street. Then we bought him a movie ticket, XL popcorn and coke. While he chilled in this seat, we asked all the other people in the theater for money. Before we left, we told the whole theater our friend Pablo was here and please give him a round of applause. The whole theater gave him a standing ovation. Pablo was pretty happy that night

Gregory: Bicyclist, Anxiety, Brother - My best friend and I were waiting to get into a bar once and a homeless man was walking through the line asking for money. People were pretty rude to him so we got out of the line, started talking to...

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