Nonprofit Organizations

Let us help challenge the stereotypes of the community you serve!

Many times there are stereotypes about the communities nonprofits serve, and we want to help show the good things those people do and how many things they have in common with others despite their differences.

We can setup a photo shoot to photograph your staff, the people you serve, their families, whoever you wish. Each of them posing as the Three Wise Monkeys, See No Evil, Hear No Evil, and Speak No Evil, as well as picking three of their labels and a good deed to give them a voice tell their story. We've worked with people of all kinds and are happy to make accommodations to make sure anyone can participate and have fun doing it.

You'll get a permanent page on our website to share what your organization does along with the photos from your group. Only people that give permission will be on the public site, so you can allow everyone to participate in the exercise but still keep people's privacy when needed.

With everyone's sets, we can also create a physical exhibit for your venue, or even create a traveling exhibit to spread the word of the people you help even more.

We want to help you with your mission and can help with grants and sponsorships to pay for the photo shoots and exhibits.

Typical events can include:

  • Group page on the website to promote your organization and all the people that participate.
  • Poster PDFs and logo files to promote your event internally.
  • No Evil Project buttons or wrist bands for each participant
  • Easily share sets on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Tumblr with automated feeds available.
  • Full color vinyl or fabric banners to create an exhibit from the event.

Every group is different and we're open to any ideas you may have.

Sounds Great, Let's Create Something Together