Letter from the President of the Board

2020 is the year of NEW OPPORTUNITIES for The No Evil Project! While most of us continue to cross paths on Zoom, I’m delighted that I got to see a small bunch of you here and there, even if I was behind a mask. I do choose to Breathe No Evil, and we continue to make it through. We have shifted, re-calibrated, made adjustments, and it’s allowed us to continue to share precious moments in our utterly new world.

We were five (5) months in when I wrote to you last, and the No Evil Project has experienced many milestones!

Our Conversations Series launched to bridge the isolation for five (5) dynamic groups of exceptional individuals. With our Conversations Co-founder, Amy, we have 5 trained co-leads ready to lead upcoming groups.

The Fitchburg Art Museum invited us back!!! We had a new exhibit in the Community Gallery featuring many of you, 105 on our banner and additional sets printed and added as more people participated after the exhibit started.

We have our own office and “studio” to photograph new members of the Project by appointment. Many thanks to the Pakachoag Center for opening its doors to our new workspace and to the many partner organizations who have welcomed us with open “air hugs” and big waves.

Speaking of big waves, I get to THANK YOU for all that you’ve done in the last three years.

I say this - and I mean it - We are a movement! Together. We are a consistent source of strength and empowerment, proving that good remains firmly alive! In 2020 and 2021, we took significant cautious steps, wearing our masks and managed a massive shift in our lives and how we relate to others. We responded and began living a completely new life in new work environments, jobs, scenarios and experienced an entirely new awareness of the value of life.

I continue to see you spread LOVE, the deep love that each of you has for humanity! I am touched by all of your thoughtful purpose statements.

I’m in the spirit of all these 5s, so here’s a HIGH FIVE TO YOU!! ✋

I am committed to continuing to purposefully spread goodness everywhere you go and especially when you meet our new Board President, Tamisha Thompson. Tamisha has been leading our educational outreach and facilitating powerful conversations, workshops, and educator seminars since our inception. She now will facilitate the next phase of our Project. I’m 100% confident in Tamisha and have always found myself inspired by her leadership. She is a true warrior for goodness, and I’m glad to join her as a member of the new Board and continue our incredible work with you!!

Best wishes of continued safety and wellness to you, AJ
AJ Leto