
Having a cultural or diversity festival? Need an activity for orientation to help everyone get to know each other? The No Evil Project can be used in many different ways to fit your community.

Organized as part of larger events or on its own, students, professors, administration, even the school mascot can have fun being part of the project. We've been part of school wide celebration or an event on its own. Combining a photo shoot with informal talks or panel discussions is also possible.

Beyond the silly photos and getting to know their fellow students, participating in the project makes people think about labels and stereotypes. For the project, they choose labels they'd want to represent, which leads to wondering how other people would label them, and finally think about how they label others. This introspective approach to taboo topics makes the project non-confrontational and appealing to people from many different backgrounds - everyone can relate to being labeled in some way.

Parents and teachers have commented at how the students were able to open up through the project about their good deeds and why they're participating. Some students have even used the project to come out publicly about labels around sexuality and depression to show other students in their same situation that they're not alone.

After the event, school administrators can print out everyone's sets to create a temporary exhibit or fabric and vinyl banners can be designed for permanent installations like at Dean College and Nichols College.

Typical events can include:

  • Indoor photo shoot with lighting, or outdoor tent photo studio
  • No Evil Project buttons or wrist bands for each participant
  • Poster PDFs, logo files, and online event listings to promote your event.
  • Group page on the website to promote your organization and all the people that participate.
  • Easily share sets on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Tumblr.
  • PDFs of each participant for creating your own exhibit.

Every group is different and we're open to any ideas you may have.
Packages start at $600 when you provide your own photographer, and $1,600 for a four hour photo shoot with the creator of the project.

Sounds Great, Let's Create Something Together

It was important for me as a college administrator to have my students understand the concept of individuality and self-expression. It was also important for me to give students the message that everyone can do good in the world even when there are external factors that tell them it cannot be done. The No Evil Project was something that caught my eye when I visited a friend at Nichols College. I immediately knew that this was something that I wanted to bring to the Dean College community. Although the idea of "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" is a simple one, the addition of descriptions below each set of photographs made the project stand out. Students were fascinated with the idea of being photographed and once they knew the message behind the project, they were even more excited to participate in it. The project was not only well-received by students, but it also by faculty and staff. It's great to see posters of the project around campus and the banner in our campus center is a great reminder that the Dean Community is a place where everyone can be themselves and not feel judged because of it.

— Alex Cabal, Dean College