Finance Report

The 2020-2021 Fiscal Year was significant in a number of ways. While many institutions found their programming halted, deferred or even suffered closure, NEP expanded its programming to address mental health and public wellness. The nimbleness of the institution is reflected in the budgetary numbers, which remained consistent with modest, continued annual growth since the creation of the non-profit. WIth only a slight deficit, funding received from private and institutional donors supported the expanded programming of the Conversation Series and the Breathe No Evil initiative, both of which will continue as programmatic offerings.

For the coming year, due to the continued uncertainty surrounding group events and in-person school partnerships, we are recommending a conservative budget based on the current level of income and expense. With the new location and in-kind donations of space and services, we are committed to maintaining current program expectations and hope that in the coming new year, we will be hosting on-site events and photo shoots as well as virtual curricular programming, which may contribute greater revenue. However, as we are facing the effects of the Delta variant on mandates, we reserve the option to revisit our budget, should need be, at our second 2021-2022 Board Meeting.

—H.N. Kurtz, Treasurer

Profit & Loss: July 2020 - June 2021

Foundation Support 2,500.00
Individual Contributions 5,255.73
Interest Earned 34.32
Sale of Products 65.00
Program Income 3,150.00
Total Income $11,005.05
Cost of Goods Sold 229.87
GROSS PROFIT $10,775.18
Fixed Assets
Discounts given -116.14
Advertising & Marketing 289.34
Bank Charges & Fees 7.76
Insurance 185.00
Internet Services 95.61
Job Supplies 375.00
Legal & Professional Services 1,918.00
Memberships 125.00
Office Operating Expenses 1331.16
Office Supplies 36.95
Payroll Expenses Taxes 647.34
Payroll Expenses Wages 6,000.00
Postage & Delivery 1.70
Taxes & Licenses 101.50
Total Expenses $10,998.22
NET INCOME $ -223.04