fbpx Nicholas | No Evil Project: Companion, Architect & Lover stereotypes redefined
No Evil Project - Show that people aren't defined by their labels.


Tell Us Your Good Deed: 

I try to bring a smile to faces of all those I encounter; whether, it's a joke, a caring shoulder to lean on or just a passing smile, smiling improves ones attitude, even just slightly. If I can have a hand in making that happen I will. I do so each and every day

Why are you participating?: 

2016's been rough any way to bring positivity back, I'll participate in fully.

Nicholas: Companion, Architect, Lover - I try to bring a smile to faces of all those I encounter; whether, it's a joke, a caring shoulder to lean on or just a passing smile, smiling improves ones attitude, even just slightly. If I can...

Why Participate