fbpx Michelle | No Evil Project: Overweight, Sapiosexual & Jewish stereotypes redefined
No Evil Project - Show that people aren't defined by their labels.


United States
Tell Us Your Good Deed: 

I am a therapist and I work with marginalized individuals of all genders, sexualities and relationship setup. I volunteer for a trauma network who treat individuals, for free, after major traumas like the Boston Marathon bombing, shootings, and fires. I like to smile at people when shopping and make eye contact. It tends to make them smile.

Why are you participating?: 

People have lots of stereotypical beliefs of therapists. We are this blank slate that people come to when vulnerable and sometimes powerless. Being human, being approachable and real, being a real person, if it bridges that gap and allows people to seek aide then that's one step forward to easing the world's trauma burden.

Michelle: Overweight, Sapiosexual, Jewish - I am a therapist and I work with marginalized individuals of all genders, sexualities and relationship setup. I volunteer for a trauma network who treat individuals, for free, after major traumas...