fbpx Stanley | No Evil Project: Stone Layer, Outdoorsperson & Mac & Cheese Lover stereotypes redefined
No Evil Project - Show that people aren't defined by their labels.


Worcester, MA
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Tell Us Your Good Deed: 

What is one good deed? I live my life with the goal of helping others and the world around me. Any act individually carries little weight except as a pebble along a much longer road I lay for myself. Some of my pebbles include being a Peace Corp Volunteer, managing a non-profit, picking up candy wrappers, and always being there for those I love.

Why are you participating?: 

I live my life with the hope that at the end of it I can say that I lived motivated by love, not fear.

I have three guiding principles that any major step in life must accomplish. 1, That it helps the world and the people in it. 2, That it allows me to continue to learn. 3, That I have a passion for my work and what I accomplish. Everything I do follows those goals.

Stanley: Stone Layer, Outdoorsperson, Mac & Cheese Lover - What is one good deed? I live my life with the goal of helping others and the world around me. Any act individually carries little weight except as a pebble along a much longer road I lay for myself...