fbpx Jessica | No Evil Project: Daughter, Jewish & Tattooed stereotypes redefined
No Evil Project - Show that people aren't defined by their labels.


Worcester, MA
United States
Tell Us Your Good Deed: 

I try my best to be there for my close friends and family in hard situations. I often make it my goal to make them smile, laugh and help them forget about what they are going through (even if it's for a brief moment). I make it a point to be very optimistic and try to ensure others that tomorrow is a new day and, if things are rough, it will pass and get better.

Why are you participating?: 

Everyone has good in them and everyone is different. I'm proud to live in such a diverse world. HATE and labels make for such wasted energy. Peoples' differences are beautiful and encouraging.

Jessica: Daughter, Jewish, Tattooed - I try my best to be there for my close friends and family in hard situations. I often make it my goal to make them smile, laugh and help them forget about what they are going through (even if it...
Exhibit Location: Banner 10