fbpx Alex | No Evil Project: Fursuit Maker, Child of the Earth & Non-binary stereotypes redefined
No Evil Project - Show that people aren't defined by their labels.


San Francisco, CA
United States
Tell Us Your Good Deed: 

To take incremental positive steps towards a world that is better than when I arrived and one we can leave to our children with pride.

Whether it’s picking up trash from the street on a walk, helping out at the food bank, having a positive perspective, and a kind loving attitude towards others. Or simply smiling and waving enthusiastically as I run by someone on the street with a wild look in my eyes.

Here’s a story for you too, once I was stopped at a rest stop and a woman came up to me asking for $5 for a toll, I thought about it and said sure no problem happily giving her the funds- I too knew what it was like to be short on a transportation cost. She took my address and we parted ways, weeks later I received a beautiful card with birds on the front a note of thanks and the $5. She didn’t need to pay me
back but she wanted to express her gratitude, and so the cycle continues..

Pay it forward.

Why are you participating?: 

To be the change I want to see in the world, to reach out and grasp a potential positive connection and to contribute to an awesome project!

Alex: Fursuit Maker, Child of the Earth, Non-binary - To take incremental positive steps towards a world that is better than when I arrived and one we can leave to our children with pride.
Whether it’s picking up trash from the street on a walk, helping...