fbpx Caitlin | No Evil Project: Traveler, Jewish & Extroverted stereotypes redefined
No Evil Project - Show that people aren't defined by their labels.


Worcester, MA
United States
Tell Us Your Good Deed: 

While studying abroad I was fortunate enough to teach children a shanty-town, the children who needed it the most. It was amazing to teach these children with the minimal resources that we had, and seeing how appreciative they were. They are the children who need to be given the building blocks to make the most out of their future, and I was able to help teach these children. It was the greatest deed that I have been able to do to this date.

Why are you participating?: 

Labels are not worth having, it makes people feel trapped in a box when everyone should be given the courage to break out of the mold and bend the lines to be whatever it is that they want to be.

Caitlin: Traveler, Jewish, Extroverted - While studying abroad I was fortunate enough to teach children a shanty-town, the children who needed it the most. It was amazing to teach these children with the minimal resources that we had, and...
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