fbpx Jay | No Evil Project: Graduate Degree, Tattooed & Traveler stereotypes redefined
No Evil Project - Show that people aren't defined by their labels.


Fitchburg, MA
United States
Tell Us Your Good Deed: 

One morning I woke up and scrolled through Facebook while still in bed. A friend of mine posted that he was stuck at work and his mom had a flat tire on the highway. I got up, jumped in my jeep and headed to the highway. I found his mom on the side of the road and changed her tire out. She couldn't speak English (Greek) but I know she was thankful.

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Jay: Graduate Degree, Tattooed, Traveler - One morning I woke up and scrolled through Facebook while still in bed.  A friend of mine posted that he was stuck at work and his mom had a flat tire on the highway.  I got up, jumped in my jeep and...

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