Disc Jockey Stereotypes Redefined

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Fitzwilliam, NH
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

I enjoy helping veterans at my local American Legion (John Humiston Post #11 in Jaffrey, NH).

Why are you participating?

This seems like a great project to showcase the diverse and caring people in our community!

Fitchburg, MA
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

I have a masters in nonprofit business and when I was hired the company used my education to help twenty people that were not being treated and considering how much they were getting paid to have a miserable life. They hurt me and my brother that night and the officer was reprimanded and they did it again. Some people have no luck. I was in distress but I picked him up and put him in the back of the truck with me and our landlord. We got there in five minutes, any more and he would have died.

Seattle, WA
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

I like to be there for people in their hardest times or whenever I can. My friends are my family. Recently one of my friends was dealing with some issues from a guy. Nobody else was there for her buy me because she was taking a very dark path with drugs. I stayed with her to get her off of everything and get to a state of clear mindedness.

Why are you participating?

I truly do get labeled for something I'm not. I try and push these labels aside but sometimes I can't and then it ends up getting in the way of things.