fbpx Becca | No Evil Project: Quaker, Artist & Animal Lover stereotypes redefined
No Evil Project - Show that people aren't defined by their labels.


Worcester, MA
Estados Unidos
Tell Us Your Good Deed: 

I saved a hummingbird whose beak had become stuck when it tried to fly through a window screen. Let it recover in a bowl of soft grass and keep it hydrated with misted water. After about 20 minutes, I went to check on the bird and it looked at me briefly from a supine position, and then it flew straight up like a helicopter and sped away. Amazing!

Why are you participating?: 

I find the concept both intriguing and uplifting.

Becca: Quaker, Artist, Animal Lover - I saved a hummingbird whose beak had become stuck when it tried to fly through a window screen.  Let it recover in a bowl of soft grass and keep it hydrated with misted water.  After about 20 minutes...
Exhibit Location: Banner 55

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