
Worcester, MA
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

I serve on the board of directors for the Worcester Youth Orchestras, a non-profit organization that offers orchestral musical training and experience for aspiring young students. Under the direction of a professional artistic director and conductor, the students are able to work with professional musicians, attend workshops and masterclasses, and are exposed to the experience of performing at venues such as the Tsai Performing Arts Center at Boston University, the Shalin Liu Performance Center in Rockport, MA, and Mechanics Hall in Worcester. Watching the students grow and develop over a season or multiple seasons is fantastic, but knowing that the time I spend helping the organization directly benefits these young musicians is beyond rewarding.

Why are you participating?

The effect negative labels have on people, especially children, can be devastating. I think it's great that Troy and the No Evil Project can open the eyes of adults to how these words, which may seem harmless at the time, can have influence over those children even all the way into adulthood.