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No Evil Project - Show that people aren't defined by their labels.

Activist Stereotypes Redefined

Displaying 41 - 50 of 96


West Brookfield, MA
United States
Tell Us Your Good Deed: 
I always try to be the best person I can be. I believe that every day brings new opportunities to better who are, and I am always using social media to bring those thoughts to others. I also use social media as a platform to educate people on environmental preservation and climate change, to help save ourselves on this world. I believe that educating is one of the best ways to create positive change, along with spreading love and kindness with everything you say and do.
Why are you participating?: 

I love to broaden my mind, and connect with other people. I also want to bring what I learn to other people that I know, to create a better world for everyone.


Tell Us Your Good Deed: 
Fought against unnecessary government surveillance.
Why are you participating?: 

Information is power, and that power is flowing in the wrong direction, toward government and multinational corporations. We must reverse that flow and use information to empower individuals instead.


Worcester, MA
United States
Tell Us Your Good Deed: 
I listened, provided safe space, and fought another's despair with unconditional love.
Why are you participating?: 

Because Dr. Martin Luther King was right. "...unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word...This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant."


Westborough, MA
United States
Tell Us Your Good Deed: 
I created a children's voting booth - if I can make an eight year old enjoy the experience of "voting" it might encourage that child at 18 to actually vote.


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