Asthmatic Stereotypes Redefined

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Worcester, MA 01520
United States

I go outside with my dog Tuffy to enjoy nature in my own back yard. I reached out to an elderly family to see if I could help with anything. I send my nieces and nephews cards in the mail. Now that I'm easing my way back to work little by little, I wear my mask, sanitize my work space before and after work, and use hand sanitizer. #flattenthecurve

Tell Us Your Good Deed

As a Kindergarten teacher assistant I helped children play with each other despite their race / culture / heritage and to love each other no matter what they were told. One of the little Japanese boys was playing alone and to make other children involve him I started playing with him and other children followed my lead. People need to be aware that children are always watching our actions and are highly influenced by them.