Author Stereotypes Redefined

Displaying 1 - 10 of 13

Brooklyn, NY
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

I founded the first national women's media analysis, media literacy education and media justice advocacy organization, and wrote the first book about how reality TV works as a backlash against gender and racial justice.

Why are you participating?

Media narratives demonize feminists, social justice activists, and anti-racists as "fringe", "angry", "selfish", and "unpatriotic", among other stereotypes.

United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

On the day I received my graduate degree from FSC, after graduation, while driving home, I recused three baby groundhogs that were stranded on a bridge over a huge chasm and reunited them with their mother who was looking for them off the bridge.

Why are you participating?

I want to confront the "label" that women who are blonde are dumb.

Waltham, MA
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

I pulled out my reading glasses and gave them to a gentleman who was struggling to read his papers. He was grinning when I told him that he could keep them.

Why are you participating?

As a mental health advocate and abuse survivor, I see the derogatory effects of labels every day. By replacing negativity with positive self-talk and compassion, I am convinced we as a society can become the best versions of ourselves.