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No Evil Project - Show that people aren't defined by their labels.

Retired Stereotypes Redefined

Displaying 1 - 10 of 22


Worcester, MA
United States
Tell Us Your Good Deed: 
Worked hard to uplift the members of my team to go beyond what they saw in themselves.
Why are you participating?: 

Doing something out of my comfort zone.


Wendell, MA
United States
Tell Us Your Good Deed: 
Helping folks with late Alzheimer's disease to have a better day and be acknowledged as a person
Why are you participating?: 

Want to see less evil in the world.


Fitchburg, MA
United States
Tell Us Your Good Deed: 
I volunteered more than 20 years for the Muscular Dystrophy Association telethon pledge center in Chicago United Airlines training center.
Why are you participating?: 

To show good things people do in the world. Also to try and stop some of the hatred going on in the United States.


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