Gardener Stereotypes Redefined

Displaying 11 - 20 of 39

Fitchburg, MA
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

Connecting with, educating and hopefully inspiring others across North Central MA who are interested in helping with the systems changes needed to build a healthier future for us all.

Why are you participating?

To create a better future, no one has to do everything - but - everyone should try to do something.

Roseville, MN 55124
United States

During this Pandemic I am still working with 3-6 year old students and their parents planting a large garden at the American Indian Montessori school. We have Zoom lessons, wear masks and garden gloves and keep our distance. This mask was a souvenir from an International women’s conference in 1990. I had it made into a mask to remind myself and other members of PPSEAWA of our commitment to health. We will need to support a vaccination program once that is available.

Lancaster, MA
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

I am my disabled husband's caregiver, an ongoing act of love. He left this world behind on August 8th, 2018. I am working toward finding new opportunities to care for other people.

Why are you participating?

People have more things in common than disparate. Helping people pause, and rethink or look anew at others is good. We all need each other. Each of us has something to offer. Our giving to others needs to be without judgement and to be sourced from unconditional love.