Gardener Stereotypes Redefined

Displaying 21 - 30 of 39

Wendell, MA
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

Helping folks with late Alzheimer's disease to have a better day and be acknowledged as a person

Why are you participating?

Want to see less evil in the world.

Fitchburg, MA
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

Rescuing animals in need. I've adopted and donated to charities. Rescuing plants - I don't like seeing plants going to the garbage just because they stopped blooming. Planting my gardens so wild life can enjoy t! Plant some for me and some for them too.

Why are you participating?

It's the right thing to do!

San Jose, CA
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

I took my lil sister to see Dem Atlas, Atmosphere & Brother Ali at the Fox in Oakland for her 16th birthday

Why are you participating?

I am fundamentally opposed to racism & any form of discrimination, cause we're all equally human